Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Nails: Elegant, Casual, Fun!

Summer is almost over and you haven't yet figured out the perfect summer nails. Urgh. Try this one. Most people have these materials so definitely attempt this beautiful design.

New Subjects I am focusing on!

Hey Guys, 
I am expanding my subjects for this site; it's now Bennett, nails, and recipes. Please comment below if you want to request a subject. Remember, I want you guys to enjoy my blog, so please help me make it more interesting for you. Nails has been my passion lately. I will introduce the basics first (hopefully my first one isn't to difficult!). Tell me if you want a tutorial using certain materials, colors, etc. Thanks for checking out Bennett's Pawprint. Don't forget to member!!! I will update daily so stay tuned for the tutorials!

Have a wonderful night.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bennett Fun!

Hey puppy-lovers!!!

Update on Ben-ben here. Bennett? Let's go, Bennett! 
Response: I'm chewin' on my Nlylabone, lady!!
Oh, well at least I tried! (Shrug) 

Back on topic:
Bennett enjoyed an hour and a half having fun at the beach. He encountered dead seagulls, slow dawgs, jellies, shells of crabs, and all the stuff you could imagine at the beach. Bennett's recall was great, (yay!) but my family has learned not to get too reassured. 

*Bennett tends to do things perfect one time, and then fall back down to zero.*

Bennett also has a phobia for swimming, once or twice he'll get caught in the water chasing another dog, but that is quite out of the ordinary. Now he's getting better, Benny will go chest high (but remember they have four legs, not wait paws).

Also, Bennett has a new phobia for going in his crate. He used to go in fine, but now he has encouraged himself that he should whine and bark until one in the morning! Hope that goes well.

Geez, Ben.

Arigato, arigato.

Bye, fuzzballs!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Add A New Spin To Your Everyday Lemonade!

Today is the day to drink the cool,  refreshing, tart lemonade. But wait, how about BLUEBERRY LEMONADE???

What you will need:
Half a lemon
1 spoonful of blueberry jam sauce 
2 spoonfuls of sugar water
8 oz. of ice water
Peach rings (optional)
Colored straw (optional)
Metal Spoons
A glass/cup

What to do:
1) Squeeze the lemon into the glass. 
2) Add a the blueberry sauce.
3) Pour in sugar water.
4) Fill the glass with water to the marking.
5) Bite/cut a piece of a peach ring and place on rim for decoration.
6) Finally, add the colored straw and ENJOY!

*Remember, the measurements are not exact. Play around with the amounts of ingredients until you are satisfied. 


Apology: Sooo sorry! I've had a busy week and I'll try to get back into posting!

Thanks again for checking Bennett's Pawprint, amigos!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bennett's First Road Trip!

Bennett is a country dog. He likes places with grass (that means peeing in only on grass; telephone poles are a no-no). So, Saturday and Sunday we took him on his first road trips to Napa and Palo Alto.

But here's another thing. Bennett has a phobia for going into cars. We don't know why, but, it may be  because of his six hour road trip from Bakersfield.

Anyway, he went to Napa first on Saturday and then on the following day he came with us to Palo Alto.

 Bye Dawgies!!

Comment below if you think Bennett should go on more road trips and where.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bennett's Story

Bennett is a rescued dog. He was found in Bakersfield. We are not sure of the whole story, but this is what we suspect and heard of. 

He was in Bakersfield, like I said, chucked into a shelter, about to be put to sleep (Bakersfield has lots of stray dogs, many are found and sheltered), when Rocket Dog Rescue(, online dog adoption) found him. We got him on his first day for adoption (in front of Pet Food Express, Stonestown Galleria). That day we had a dog and that night I emailed you guys about it. 

 Here's some facts:
  • He was six months when we got him, but now he is seven months
  • He has gained four pounds (23 to 27 lbs.)
  • We're not sure what his breed is except that he is part corgi
  • People say he might be also an Australian sheperd, retriever, or spainel
  • He wasn't potty trained when we got him, but he has greatly improved
Comment below on what breed/mix you think he is!
Suggest different blog subjects (Bennett, Bennett pictures, arts&crafts, nails,etc.)
Thanks for checking Bennett's blog!

More Pics of Bennett

Hi everyone!! Here are more pics on Bennett!

Tummy Rubz.

 On de lap.

Watchn' food...

Lookn' out the window...


Actin' like a sausage! 


Bennett the Dog, our dog!

For those of you who don't know that I've gotten a dog, I'm telling you know. Bennett has been with us for 6 weeks. He was 6 months when we got him, but now he is 7 months!!! I will keep updating on how he is. Bennett? ZZzzzzzzz...
Sup Dogz!