Hey puppy-lovers!!!
Update on Ben-ben here. Bennett? Let's go, Bennett!
Response: I'm chewin' on my Nlylabone, lady!!
Oh, well at least I tried! (Shrug)
Back on topic:
Bennett enjoyed an hour and a half having fun at the beach. He encountered dead seagulls, slow dawgs, jellies, shells of crabs, and all the stuff you could imagine at the beach. Bennett's recall was great, (yay!) but my family has learned not to get too reassured.
*Bennett tends to do things perfect one time, and then fall back down to zero.*
Bennett also has a phobia for swimming, once or twice he'll get caught in the water chasing another dog, but that is quite out of the ordinary. Now he's getting better, Benny will go chest high (but remember they have four legs, not wait paws).
Also, Bennett has a new phobia for going in his crate. He used to go in fine, but now he has encouraged himself that he should whine and bark until one in the morning! Hope that goes well.
Geez, Ben.
Arigato, arigato.
Bye, fuzzballs!